‘Game of Thrones’ author says spinoffs are ‘moving forward’ – CNET

George R.R. Martin isn't revealing much, but "Thrones" fans will take any tidbits we can get…

AOC releases a pair of impressive curved monitors

Both support AMD's FreeSync, and a range of standard and gaming modes.

Benjamin Button captures your kids’ best moment without buttons

AI smarts for better memories.

Ohio sites hacked with IS message

Governor John Kasich's site is one of those attacked, posting a threat to President Donald Trump.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered coming… tomorrow!

One of the best Call of Duty games ever made gets a new lease of life…

Australia pushes for weaker encryption at ‘Five Eyes’ meeting – CNET

Australia says tech companies should be "thwarting" messaging encryption to stop terrorists, and it's pushing US…

Amazon wants to house drones in giant beehives

The company’s newest patent application calls for “unmanned aerial vehicles” centers.

Apple ‘still unsure’ how to integrate Touch ID into iPhone 8

Cowen & Co. has extinguished rumours the fingerprint reader will appear on the back of the…