Facebook asks users to send nudes to prevent revenge porn

File under whiskey tango foxtrot.

Bug in anti-malware defenses mistakenly blocks users’ Google Docs files

Google issued a public apology after a bug mistakenly caused its defences against malware, phishing, and…

Hyper’s indie picks from PAX Australia 2017!

The best games at PAX aren't the AAAs, but the indie labours of love from the…

Turn your mechanical keyboard into a Next Generation LCARS interface

Roddenberry Shop reveals a custom key-cap set that'll put you on the bridge of the Enterprise…

Intel sign up AMD to give Nvidia a run for its money

The ultimate cage match? Or business as usual?

Review: HP Omen 15 gaming laptop

An Omen of things to come for HP’s gaming division?

Review: Call of Duty: WWII

History repeats itself - and that's no bad thing

App of the week: Just Press Record

One-tap recording and transcription, whether you’re armed with an iPhone or an Apple Watch.