Set your brand up for success with a .tech domain extension

Imagine this. You’ve finally completed your brand new app that’s going to revolutionize the way we live. You’ve even come up with a catchy name that meshes perfectly with your app and no other company has laid claim to. Unfortunately, someone from the ’90s already built a .com website with the domain name you want to use. What’s worse, that website isn’t even in use anymore!

You don’t have to be a mobile app developer to relate. Perhaps you’re a freelance coder with a generic name who wants to showcase your portfolio, or you might be an agency specializing in tech clients. Whatever the case, you need a domain extension that illustrates what you’re all about, and it needs to be available. So why not use “.tech”? Right now, you can get your own .tech domain extension starting at just $7.99 per year. 

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Source: Computer World