Welcome to CNET’s Guide to Smart Living in San Francisco – CNET

It's time. Everyone knows what smart home is. Now we'll show you how to use it.

International Women’s Day: Career advice from the women of CNET – CNET

We're technologists. We're writers. We're journalists and video professionals and business leaders and thinkers. Here we're…

Watch CNET’s Next Big Thing CES 2018 panel, The Invisible Doctor – CNET

This CES 2018 Supersession panel introduces you to the doctors, thinkers and luminaries from Verily (Google),…

Holiday shoppers ditch tablets, want phones, CNET survey uncovers – CNET

CNET's annual shopping study reveals how 2017 has changed what you buy (headphones!) and how you…

Future Tech: how Technology is changing how we monitor our health. video – CNET

Health , fitness and sleep monitoring innovations are providing more accurate and more helpful data for…

CNET’s Next Big Thing: The promise and the pitfalls of the smart home video – CNET

This CES 2017 SuperSession panel features four of the world's leading smart home doers and thinkers…

Watch CNET’s Next Big Thing panel today for a look at your future – CNET

This CES 2017 Supersession panel features four of the world's leading Smart Home doers and thinkers…