Technology and the internet have empowered science just as they have business and communication. As with…
Category: Opinion
WhatsApp, Signal, and dangerously ignorant journalism
There is something about encryption that brings out the worst in journalists. Because to most of…
Dronerise: gradually, then suddenly
Drones feel a bit like old news already, don’t they? At least in the Valley, with…
‘AI-powered’ is tech’s meaningless equivalent of ‘all natural’
What does artificial intelligence have in common with the price of eggs? At the store, you…
AirWander for your wanderlust: legitimately impressive
It’s reassuring to know that, jaded as I am, every so often, I can still stumble…
2017: The year of the tune-in economy
We had incredible technological and societal changes throughout 2015 and 2016. Checks were being written for…
It’s The Jons 2016!
Happy New Year! 2016 was … well, we will not soon forget it. Brexit; Trump; the…
2016 and the year ahead
This past year was a big one for internet attacks, encryption, blackouts, speed and IoT, and…