PowerPoint tips from Duarte’s Five Rules Presentation

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One of the coolest PowerPoint slideshows I have ever seen is one of PowerPoint’s own templates; it’s called "Duarte’s Five Rules." It uses animation, graphics, fonts, layout, design, sound, narration, and timing perfectly. The tips below explain and illustrate how many of the effects in this slide were created.

First, open PowerPoint, type Duarte’s Five Rules in the Search box, then press Enter. Click the Duarte icon when it appears, then click the Create button in the popup window. When the presentation appears, select Slideshows > From the Beginning or press F5. Click through the first two slides (the rest is automatic), turn up the sound, then sit back, watch, listen, and learn how to create a very professional presentation. And if you’re wondering “how did they do that,” the tips below will help.

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