Yooka-Laylee preview: This cheerful platformer’s like Banjo-Kazooie from a parallel universe

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I knew Yooka-Laylee was inspired by Banjo-Kazooie, but until I played it last week I’d underestimated the extent. It’s uncanny.

You know how some people are convinced the Berenstain Bears used to be known as the Berenstein Bears, except we all fell into a parallel universe and somehow the past has changed? Or that Oscar Mayer is spelled Oscar Meyer? The “Mandela Effect,” the internet calls this phenomenon.

Well, in some parallel universe “Banjo-Kazooie,” the Nintendo 64 classic about a bear and the bird who rides in his backpack, was actually Yooka-Laylee, the very similar story of a chameleon and his bat-friend. And then I guess in 2015 someone from our universe fell into that other world, stole a Yooka-Laylee cartridge, and brought it back here.

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