Robot chefs! Sinks that appear -- and disappear! Cups that defy gravity! Want a smarter kitchen?…
Month: February 2017
Oppo ups periscope to add 5x zoom tech to its phone cameras
Apple's iPhone 7 Plus snapper ain't got nothing on this.
Is angry video the end for Uber’s CEO? – CNET
Commentary: In a video obtained by Bloomberg, Travis Kalanick gets into an argument with an Uber…
Avast offers stark IoT warning to MWC: half a million devices vulnerable
Half a million smart devices including webcams and baby monitors in the city are currently vulnerable…
Update: 11-hour AWS failure hits websites and apps
Amazon Web Services, a major cloud hosting service, had a system failure on Tuesday that affected…
Microsoft unveils subscription games service for Xbox One and 360
$US10 per month for more than 100 rolling titles, coming this spring!
Remove System Healer (Removal Guide)
System Healer is a potentially unwanted program that scans your computer for performance issues, registry issues,…
Futures: The race to driverless cars
Researchers beyond the US are keeping pace with Silicon Valley when it comes to autonomous cars.…