Abhishek Singh was testing out the Microsoft Hololens headset when he came up with the idea.
Day: June 22, 2017
Watch a robot that irons clothes (and dream) – CNET
Commentary: Spanish robot TEO does something that you've always wished someone else could do for you.
Friday Linky Links: Trouble in the Stars
Your weekly round-up of pop-culture happenings from all over the galaxy.
Lenovo ThinkPad T560 156 Laptop
List Price: $1,059.99 Instant Savings: $380.00 Today's Price: $679.99 Tiger Deal Slasher: $649.99After $30.00 Coupon: JID166159…
Facebook brings anti-terror initiative to UK following attacks – CNET
"We know we have more to do," says Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg on tackling online extremism.
Weekend Streaming: Get ready for ‘Glow’ on Netflix – CNET
Netflix's newest original goes online and since we're running out of June find out which titles…
Facebook launches initiative to fight online hate speech
In response to UK government criticism, Facebook, launches a programme to tackle hate speech online.
Bone-sniffing dogs to search for Amelia Earhart’s remains – CNET
Four border collies will head to an uninhabited island where some believe the pioneer aviator died…