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PewDiePie proves that videogame culture is still as toxic as ever

Felix continues to be a terrible influence on the internet.

Strava it

How cycling app Strava became a must-have for cyclists around the world.

Strava it

How cycling app Strava became a must-have for cyclists around the world.

‘Star Trek: Discovery’ fights for more than Trekkies’ hearts – CNET

Following Star Trek's legacy, the new show reminds us about the power of inclusion and diversity…

Guy stands up to Hurricane Irma, nearly gets blown away – CNET

Most people have left the Florida Keys, but a pair of storm chasers make a stand…

Apple releases iOS 11 beta 10

The ninth public beta is also available.

YouTube star PewDiePie uses racial slur

The Swedish star was heard saying the word while playing a video game in a live…