Net neutrality rollback: Is the open internet under siege? (The 3:59, Ep. 325) – CNET

We weigh the impact of net neutrality rules and ask whether FCC chairman Ajit Pai or…

Dear Future: The two-legged robot walking into the future video – CNET

Cassie, which looks like a pair of velociraptor legs painted safety orange, is the sole product…

The EU Will Foot the Bill for VLC Player’s Public Bug Bounty Program

The European Union has announced this week that it will foot the bill for a bug…

The EU Will Foot the Bill for VLC Player’s Public Bug Bounty Program

The European Union has announced this week that it will foot the bill for a bug…

The EU Will Foot the Bill for VLC Player’s Public Bug Bounty Program

The European Union has announced this week that it will foot the bill for a bug…

Dogs are ‘brainier’ than cats, says neuron-counting study – CNET

Pet lovers can now argue about a new study on brain differences between cats and dogs…

UK Lawsuit Wants Google to Pay Up for iPhone Snooping

In the US, Google settled similar charges for $22.5 million in 2012.

Amazon’s Alexa will soon offer personalized responses – CNET

The new capability is being tested by a handful of developers and will be more widely…