How carpool apps could take 10,000 taxis off NY streets – CNET

If we were all willing to use the carpool option in apps like Uber and Lyft,…

Can’t be bothered to organize your Android phone? Install this – CNET

With just a tap or two, you can quickly locate any app or contact. Like iOS'…

Leak Tips Asus Zenfone AR, Second Google Tango Phone

The Asus ZenFone AR is the first Tango-enabled smartphone to be powered by the Snapdragon 821…

SpaceX to resume rocket launches this month – CNET

Elon Musk's space company is ready to move beyond a rocket explosion that has left it…

10 promises to keep in 2017

 It’s a new year and with that comes the attendant resolutions. Knowing that none of us…

Google, Chrysler Tease Android-Based Infotainment System

Android could be built into the dashboard from the start, providing drivers with quick access to…

How to dive into that New Year’s Resolution to get started with VR

 But consumer VR’s splashy debut in 2016 did not result in something that was immediately affordable,…

Benedict Cumberbatch related to Sherlock Holmes’ creator – CNET

Genealogists discover the "Sherlock" actor is a distant cousin of the character's creator, author Sir Arthur…