Deepfake porn videos deleted from internet by Gfycat

The Gyfcat video clip hosting service says the computer-generated clips are objectionable.

Microsoft’s Office on iOS improvements puts enterprises everywhere

When it comes to enterprise productivity, Microsoft has two feet in the future and just one…

eBay drops PayPal as first choice for payments

The online marketplace says the move will benefit both sellers and buyers.

Twitter’s huge bot problem is out of the bag – CNET

The thought that millions of fake accounts are following, tweeting, retweeting and liking may have you…

Google Flights adds predictive delays, Uber’s bike share service video – CNET

Today's major tech stories include Google's flight data service adding new data, Uber's new bike share…

How to Send, Receive Messages on Amazon Echo

You can send or receive voice and text messages through an Echo and the Alexa app.

How Intel creates its dazzling drone light shows – CNET

After its light-show drones made a big splash at last year's Super Bowl, the chipmaker decided…

Want easy-to-set-up gadget security? It’s not going to be cheap – CNET

Security executives are pushing out easy cybersecurity solutions for the average person. The hard part will…