Mazda CX-3 improves just slightly for 2019 – Roadshow

Subtle design tweaks and better interior comfort round out this year's update.

NFL cheerleader claims she was fired over Instagram photo

Bailey Davis is accusing the New Orleans Saints football team of gender discrimination.

Brave browser getting closer to Chrome — including its extensions – CNET

The startup is dumping a system that offered a different look from Google's browser but that…

New ‘Westworld’ trailer coming Thursday – CNET

In a super brief glimpse, HBO teases a new trailer for season 2.

Facebook is probing reappearance of users’ never-posted videos – CNET

Users downloading their Facebook archive are discovering the social network kept videos they recorded but never…

Why I love fishing mini games

One fish, two fish, three fish, more...

How to: Delete a Gmail account

Here's how to close down a Google email account.

Facebook limits how advertisers can target you – CNET

The social network is ending something called "Partner Categories." It’s all part of Facebook's ongoing re-evaluation…