Samsung Odyssey Z is silver and red and shiny all over – CNET

Samsung takes a new design tack with its second generation of gaming laptops.

Don’t spoil Avengers: Infinity War or Thanos will get you – CNET

A tweet from filmmakers Joe and Anthony Russo says "only a handful" of people know the…

Golden Ear home theater complete with whisky on the side – CNET

Show Us Yours: Craig's Colorado entertainment space has a clean, modern look and a discerning collection…

Facebook once again asks users if it’s ‘good for the world’ – CNET

Following the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Facebook again put out a poll to gauge how people feel…

Confirmed: OnePlus 6 will challenge Galaxy S9 on speed – CNET

OnePlus said its next phone will have a Snapdragon 845 chip, like the S9, and 256GB…

Cryptocurrency Mining Extensions Banned From Chrome Web Store

Google is no longer accepting any extensions that mine cryptocurrency, and plans to delist existing ones…

Adobe Profiles Give Your Digital Photos New Possibilities

Adobe Lightroom (CC, Classic, and iOS) and Camera Raw get powerful new photo tools to get…

Baseball star discovers power of Twitter – CNET

Commentary: Dexter Fowler of the St. Louis Cardinals goes hitless for the first four days of…