Tesla owner recreates fatal Autopilot crash, nearly crashes as well – Roadshow

It shouldn't need to be said, but don't try this at home. Just don't.

Windows patches for Total Meltdown, bluescreens, an IP stopper — and little documentation

As many of us were getting ready for the holiday weekend, after the surprise announcement about…

Oppo R11s review – CNET

The Chinese-made Oppo R11s impresses with both its camera and comfortable design.

Amazon Employees Will Clean Your Home

Amazon experiments with switching its Home Services from independent contractors to employees.

Microsoft wants you on Edge, even if it has to trick you

Microsoft is embarking on a stealth campaign to force you to use its failing Edge browser,…

Health care groups to use blockchain to improve provider data – CNET

Five national groups, including UnitedHealthcare and Optum, are launching a pilot program to see if blockchain…

Amputees are tuning into apps for fitness and finesse – CNET

Apps are changing the way that amputees do everything from staying fit to operating their prosthetic…

Save $50 on a VersaDesk powered standing desk – CNET

It goes up or down with the push of a button and doesn't force you to…