Most of us struggle to finish a single side, but it took Feliks Zemdegs 4.22 seconds…
Day: May 6, 2018
Drupal Sites Fall Victims to Cryptojacking Campaigns
After the publication of two severe security flaws in the Drupal CMS, cybercrime groups have turned…
This incredible Star Wars scene was made with Lego – CNET
Watch this goddamn genius build a Star Destroyer out of Lego.
Windows 10 April 2018 Update reportedly breaking some critical PC features
Both third party and Microsoft-built apps have stopped working on some machines.
Twitter advises 330 million users to change passwords after security slip up
No sign of a breach, but Twitter says you should err on the side of caution
BBC Earth: Life in VR is just the first step in the BBC’s VR efforts
Dive under the ocean to meet sea otter and sperm whales in BBC Earth's spectacular VR…
Instagram starts trialling in-app payments
Businesses to take in-app payments from users of the photo-sharing app
Amazon adds money making to Alexa skills
In-skill purchasing will allow developers to charge for premium content and features for Amazon's voice assistant