WPA3 offers better security – but not today

Long-mooted Wi-Fi standard is finally certified, including enhanced authentication and encryption measures, but experts fear adoption…

Mozilla issues critical patches for Firefox

Mozilla issued security advisories for Firefox ESR 52.9, Firefox ESR 60.1, and Firefox 61 with the…

Instagram Lite is here so you can cut out Instagram’s clutter

Instagram follows in the footsteps of Facebook with the launch of a lightweight version on Google…

Todd Howard won’t reveal where TES 6 takes place just yet

We don't know - it's a mystery!

This iPhone case deploys an airbag-like defence when dropped

Your phone will simply bounce to safety it slips from your fingers

Facebook drops cryptocurrency ad ban

Social network giant rescinds ban, but there are caveats.

Flying Disney robot can soar through the skies like a Marvel hero – CNET

New Stuntronics from Disney aren't just crawling, they're doing the kind of aerial acrobatics worthy of…

Google laments missing out on buying GitHub

GitHub's acquisition could have been very different...