Apple says no thanks to EU hearing on tax evasion – CNET

However, the iPhone maker says it would be happy to answer questions privately.

Get a ‘free’ iPhone 8 from US Cellular when you add a line with unlimited data – CNET

Just make sure you read the fine print.

Weight Watchers turns to Facebook’s Workplace to connect 18,000 workers

Weight Watchers has deployed Facebook’s Workplace enterprise social network with the aim of connecting its 18,000-strong…

Users Discover One of the Weirdest Android Glitches Ever

For the past week, Android users have been having fun with one of the weirdest bugs…

Wikipedia says vandals caused Google to display Nazism as GOP ideology – CNET

Most things you read on Wikipedia are accurate, but some are not, the company behind the…

Report: Fortnite Launching on Nintendo Switch

We can thank the Korean game ratings board for this leak.

Apple wants to build the next paradigm of user interfaces

Apple wants to hire someone to help it deliver "the next paradigm of user interfaces and…

9 Siri commands to use with your Apple TV remote – CNET

The Siri remote for Apple TV seems like a super simple remote, but it has countless…