Hulu’s July 2018 lineup: Stephen King and J.J. Abrams team up on Castle Rock – CNET

We've got a brand-new series by two very high-profile names. Will it be any good? We'll…

Feds charge man with threatening to kill FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s family – CNET

He allegedly told authorities he was upset about the repeal of net neutrality.

Typeform Announces Breach After Hacker Grabs Backup File

Barcelona-based online survey and form building service Typeform announced a data breach today after an unknown…

Electric car buyers claim they were misled by Nissan

Nissan is accused of exaggerating the benefits of its latest Leaf electric car model.

Tesla requiring $2,500 for Model 3 orders is nothing new – Roadshow

The automaker required the same for Model S and Model X orders, too.

Two Earth-like exoplanets now even better spots to look for life – CNET

Two of the earliest Earth-ish exoplanet finds are now more exciting targets in the search for…

Your Samsung Galaxy phone may power two screens at once, with DeX dock – CNET

Also, the Galaxy Tab S4 is rumored to get DeX support.

Brave Browser Integrates Tor Into New Private Tab Feature

The latest desktop release of Brave includes a beta feature called 'Private Tabs with Tor,' which…