Windows Repair is a utility that contains numerous mini-fixes for Windows. This tool will allow you to repair common issues with your computer such as firewall, file permission, and Windows Update problems. When using this tool you can select the particular fixes you would like to launch and start the repair process. This tool also comes in a portable version that allows you to use the program from a portable device such as a USB flash drive.
Windows Repair can perform the following tasks:
- Reset Registry Permissions
- Reset File Permissions
- Register System Files
- Repair WMI
- Repair Windows Firewall
- Repair Internet Explorer
- Repair MDAC & MS Jet
- Repair Hosts File
- Remove Policies Set By Infections
- Repair Icons
- Repair Winsock & DNS Cache
- Remove Temp Files
- Repair Proxy Settings
- Unhide Non System Files
- Repair Windows Updates
- Repair CD/DVD Missing/Not Working – Windows Repair 4.4.7 Change Log
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements.
Click here for original story, Windows Repair (All In One)
Source: Bleeping Computer Downloads