Asics blames hackers for porn on shop screens

The firm blames hackers for hours of pornography showing on the flagship’s outdoor screen. …

Will virtual clothes transform how we shop?

A smartphone app can make a detailed virtual avatar allowing you to try on a whole…

Google reportedly under antitrust scrutiny for new internet encryption protocol – CNET

New standard aims to improve security and privacy by encrypting internet traffic. Click here…

Windows 10 1903 on ARM Gets a Virtualization-based Security Feature

Windows 10 version 1903 on ARM has gotten an additional virtualization-based security feature that creates secured…

Elon Musk says SpaceX Starship rocket could reach orbit within six months – CNET

“I think we should do our very best to become a multi-planet species and we should…

Cloudflare Now Blocks the vBulletin RCE CVE-2019-16759 Exploit

This week a zero-day vBulletin remote code execution vulnerability and exploit was publicly disclosed and is being…

10 tips and tricks for saving money at Whole Foods – CNET

Most of these work for other grocery stores, too. Click here for original story,…

Elon Musk upbeat on Starship test flights

The US entrepreneur says prototype flights of his Moon-Mars rocket system will begin in months. …