Porsche's 2020 Taycan configurator is here! – Roadshow

The new all-electric Taycan looks killer in every color. Click here for original story,…

Hyundai shows off exoskeleton robot to help assembly line workers – Roadshow

It’s not the first time we’ve seen this kind of technology, but Hyundai says its own…

Twitter temporarily shuts down ability to tweet via SMS – CNET

The social media site made the call after its CEO Jack Dorsey’s account was hacked. …

Top web browsers 2019: Edge edges up

Microsoft’s Edge completed a six-month surge in user share that represented a 24% increase and brought…

Tech giants and US officials meet to discuss 2020 election security – CNET

Facebook, Microsoft, Google and Twitter gathered to prep for disinformation campaigns expected to arise in the…

A robot and a Westworld actor who plays a robot walk into a bar… – CNET

“We only live once … allegedly,” Sophia the humanoid robot tells unsettled Westwood star Evan Rachel…

Booming meteor fireballs lit up weekend as space celebrated Labor Day – CNET

Flaming space rocks could be seen, and heard, as North Americans kicked back for the end-of-summer…

FCC promises $950 million to improve broadband in Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands – CNET

The agency says the money will be used to improve speeds and build more resilient networks. …