Executive Producer M. Night Shyamalan said he pictures 60 episodes for this half-hour thriller. …
Day: October 3, 2019
US, UK sign pact to share electronic evidence in criminal cases – CNET
Agreement will allow law enforcement officials to demand evidence from tech companies in the other’s country. …
10 tips for tailgating in cold weather – CNET
Great advice and gear to help you stay warm while you watch the game. …
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg live streams employee Q&A in rare move – CNET
Zuckerberg’s internal Q&As with employees were leaked earlier this week. Click here for original…
Four U.S. Food Chains Disclose Payment Card Theft via PoS Malware
Hackers caused havoc at four restaurant chains in the U.S. over the summer after compromising their…
Battle burger giants with Wendy's new Feast of Legends fantasy tabletop RPG – CNET
Do you have what it takes to be a warrior in the Order of the Baconator? …
Paralysed man moves in mind-reading exoskeleton
A man who had not walked for two years was able to move all his limbs…
Surface Duo: No, Microsoft isn't making another Windows phone – CNET
The company confirms it’s going all in with Android on its dual-screen phone for 2020. …