What ever happened with that float, anyway?

After two years working toward his computer science degree, pilot fish decides to take a summer job that has nothing to do with computers. He ends up working for the regional tourism bureau as a photographer and coordinator for a float that the bureau is building for a local city’s centennial celebration.

When it rains, the float stays in storage and fish just helps out around the office. Where he notices an old Commodore 64 in the corner. Which he decides he could just take a look at. And that’s it; he’s sucked back into the world of computers the instant he sees what is up with that ur-PC. (Where all good pilot fish belong, anyway.)

The Commodore is used to print mailing labels for the bureau’s newsletters and other mass mailings. But the program to print the labels has all the addresses hard-coded. Any additions, deletions or other changes require you to edit the program, and then search for the address or add extra lines to put in a new address.

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Source: Computer World