Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker will hit Disney Plus on May 4 – CNET

Disney announced a Skywalker Saga surprise for next week’s Star Wars Day. Click here…

Cumulative Update bugs spur Microsoft to call for help. Where’s the telemetry when we need it?

Last Friday I wrote about problems reported with this month’s Win10 1903/1909 Cumulative Update, KB 4549951.…

Apple reportedly delays 2020 flagship iPhone mass production – CNET

It’ll be delayed by about a month, according to the Wall Street Journal. Click…

On its 15th birthday, the Airbus A380 is facing retirement – CNET

Never a hit with airlines and now grounded by the coronavirus pandemic, the still-young giant will…

The cars we'd love to give Mom on Mother's Day – CNET

Mother’s Day might not be about extravagant gifts this year, but you can still help her…

Ahead of election 2020: Tips on finding information you can trust – CNET

Deciding whether to trust memes and news stories is hard work. Click here for…

Apple, Google rework coronavirus tracking tech to address privacy concerns – CNET

The tech giants added new security features for their iPhone and Android phone technology. …

Tech's unforgiving work culture is forced to change during coronavirus – CNET

Apple, Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and Uber have new work from home policies as tech culture clashes…