Our favorite chocolate subscriptions services in 2020 – CNET

Chocolate every month? We think yes. Click here for original story, Our favorite chocolate…

Controversial sale of .org web domain blocked

Ethos Capital wanted to run the company behind .org web domains for profit. Click…

Elon Musk says Tesla Model S should be a 400-mile EV, but EPA made a mistake – CNET

According to Musk, the keys were left in the car and the door open that sapped…

New phishing campaign packs an info-stealer, ransomware punch

A new phishing campaign is distributing a double-punch of a LokiBot information-stealing malware along with a…

US airlines mandate face masks, including American, Delta, United, Southwest – CNET

Here are the steps US airlines are taking to protect passengers and crew from the spread…

Fun Star Wars May the 4th craft projects to keep kids occupied during lockdown – CNET

Craft an Admiral Ackbar bag puppet, Bantha toy, Jabba the Hutt body pillow, Chewbacca tablet cover…

Astronomers prove our sun is lazy and boring compared with other stars – CNET

Our sun isn’t really applying itself like other stars of its size. Click here…

Tesla CEO Elon Musk says stock price is 'too high,' price falls 10% – CNET

It looks like Musk got what he wanted, but why he made the comment is unknown. …