Google buys smart glasses company North

Despite the failure of Google Glass to go mass market, the tech giant remains keen on…

How to choose the right Windows 10 preview and update channels

Once upon a time, making a choice about how you updated Windows was easy: Let Microsoft…

Wayback Wednesday: He’ll figure it out

It’s a hot day, and the building where this IT pilot fish works has no air…

Coronavirus: Data needed quicker to target local outbreaks, say doctors

The call from doctors follows a lockdown in Leicester, amid a rise in Covid-19 cases. …

A massive star just vanished without a trace and astronomers don't know why – CNET

It appears the Kinman Dwarf may have gone gently into that good night. Click…

The robots that can cook and serve your food

The technology that might one day transform our eating out experience. Click here for…

India bans TikTok and 58 other Chinese apps after border clash – CNET

Other banned mobile apps include Tencent’s WeChat and Baidu’s Twitter-like platform known as Weibo. …