Netflix movie of the day: The Matrix Reloaded is a satisfying sequel with some eye-popping action sequences

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There was no way any sequel to The Matrix could match the surprise and impact of the original. But the second Matrix movie, The Matrix Reloaded, does a pretty great job of delivering another entertaining slice of slightly pompous but undeniably thrilling sci-fi. 

Like its predecessor, it's visually stunning, and the second instalment turns the action up considerably: there are more guns, more trench coats and more Agent Smiths getting punched than in the first movie, and there's a truly spectacular highway scene that's rightfully considered a classic.

The Matrix Reloaded is much more of a good thing

At their worst, all the Matrix movies are a little too enamoured of their own seriousness. But at they're best they're a rollercoaster for the eyes, packed with fight scenes so visceral that you'll often find yourself forgetting to breathe and asking yourself: how-did-they-do-that? The aforementioned highway scene is a great example of that, but the mass brawl between Keanu and multiple versions of Agent Smith is enormous fun too.

It's all very silly – London's Evening Standard said that "the whole film may be more than a bit suspect cerebrally, with dime-store philosophy, potted mysticism and cut-price otherworldliness". But there's a but coming: "but visually it gives full value as a virtuoso workout for your senses." And enthused: "it's great. It out-Matrixes the original Matrix with its fight scenes, car chase and philosophical insight."

The Matrix Reloaded is one of those films that tends to reinforce people's opinion. If you thought the first Matrix was terribly teenage and a triumph of style over substance, the second movie is more so. But if you loved the first one, you'll love the second one too. 

As Film Threat says, like its predecessor The Matrix Reloaded "might be hard to swallow, but it's so delicious you just can't help but want more". That's the site's Caffeinated Clint. His colleague, the presumably less caffeinated Chuck Russel, says it's "tremendously bad". Which one of them took the red pill? You'll need to watch the movie on Netflix to find out.

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