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It was almost by accident that I discovered that Unix has a very interesting counterpart in the world of art –- an art gallery in New York City that is called, of all things, the UNIX Gallery. And, while the gallery has no historical, business, or other connection to the operating system that we all have come to appreciate, it does have some very important characteristics in common with the Unix OS –- most notably innovation, creativity and uniqueness.
When I say “by accident”, I mean that a friend emailed a brochure to me because it contained the word “UNIX” and he knew that Unix was the focus of my career. I promptly devoured the brochure, but didn't have a clue as to how the pieces of art related to the Unix that I've worked with for 30+ years. So, I sent email to the info@ address that I found on the gallery's web site and waited. Soon I had an answer.
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