Did all the good Shark Tank stories happen 40-plus years ago? No, of course not. Sharky is confident that IoT, for one thing, is going to be a treasure trove of great true tales of IT life. It’s just that right now you’re probably all too busy putting out the fires — and besides, time removes the pain and reveals the humor!
And so, once again, we hark back to the days of mainframes, one dominant vendor, and monstrous tabulating machines like the IBM 402. Pilot fish, who is much older and wiser now, was a college student at the time, working in a data processing department while studying for his degree in electrical engineering. The 402, recalls fish, was a behemoth, “stuffed full of pullies, fan belts, gears, relays, mechanical accumulators, card read stations, hammer print heads, wiring, more relays, delicate copper tubing supplying oil to all the bearings and a big motor driving everything.” Seriously, he asks, “when was the last time you operated a piece of computing equipment that had a built-in drip tray?”
Click here for original story, But what do you do with all your spare time?
Source: Computer World