Windows by the numbers: Windows 10, Windows 7 pause their ups and downs

Windows 10 took a breather in July, perhaps celebrating its fifth birthday with a little too much adult beverage and – although the share data was deceptive – essentially remained flat for the month.

According to California analytics company Net Applications, Windows 10 purportedly grew by four-tenths of a percentage points to reach 59.4% of global OS share last month, representing 68.2% of all Windows editions. The second number is the more important of the pair, however, and is nearly identical to that of the month before.

As always, Windows 10’s percentage of only Windows PCs (that 68.2%) was larger than the percentage of all personal computers (the 59.4%), because Windows does not power every system. In July, Windows was the OS on 87% of the world’s personal computers, up three-tenths of a point from June. Of the remaining 13%, all but six-hundredths of a point ran macOS, Linux or Chrome OS.

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Source: Computer World