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It’s always fun looking back at old PC ads, right? Back when 48KB of RAM was a huge deal, or when a 450MHz processor was the norm, or when 10MB of storage space was more than anyone expected to fill in a lifetime. Nowadays I have multiple terabytes of storage capacity...and it just keeps filling up.
It’s all video games.
One of 2016’s large-scale PC gaming trends—emphasis on large—was the rapid inflation of download sizes and drive footprints. It’s becoming a problem, and one that’s fast putting PC gaming out of reach for some people.
Let’s dig into why before examining some potential solutions.
Breaking the 50GB barrier
I love our all-digital future. I really do. Moving to Steam and away from traditional retail channels has enabled a much more diverse games industry—releases as small and meditative as Sorcery! or as gun-happy as the Doom reboot. It’s allowed for the revival of long-dead genres like the isometric CRPG, leaving us with Wasteland 2 and Divinity: Original Sin and Pillars of Eternity. It’s given us back the B-games, the middle of the market I thought died with THQ—games like Shadow Warrior 2 and Obduction, too big to feel “indie” in the traditional sense but still comparatively small when put up against games from Ubisoft and EA.
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