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- Sid Meier's Civilization 7 update 1.1.1 has landed on all platforms except Nintendo Switch
- It adds loads of free quality of life features, plus a new natural wonder
- Paid content spans a new leader and two new Civs
The latest update for strategy game Sid Meier's Civilization 7, update 1.1.1, is here and includes a healthy mix of both free and paid content for players.
In my eyes, the most significant addition here is the reintroduction of Quick Move. This setting disables movement animations for your units and has been a staple of Civilization games for the last few years. I personally love the detailed animations in Civilization 7 but, when you're playing lots of back to back matches then turning them off is a massive time saver that increases the pace noticeably.
Map generation has been tweaked, with the introduction of a whole new default start position option aptly known as 'Standard'. This will feel familiar to Civilization 6 veterans, as it offers randomization and a lesser focus on more predictable continents.
The previous default setting has been renamed 'Balanced' and can be selected in Advanced Options. It will also remain the default option in multiplayer. Developer Firaxis Games also has reassured fans that more map variety, generation, and new, larger maps, are still in the works.
You are now able to rename both settlements and commander units freely too, allowing for more freedom and customization.
Some general UI improvements have been implemented, mainly focusing on increasing the visibility of important information like your current age progress or unit health. You will also find a new 'Restart' button on the main menu, which lets you restart your current game with the same settings in the first few turns.
Finally, a new natural wonder, Mount Everest, has been added. It offers useful tile bonuses and reveals all mountain tiles on your continent when it's first discovered.
Moving over to the realm of paid content, update 1.1.1 rounds off the premium Crossroads of the World Collection with the addition of a new leader and two new Civs. The new leader is Simón Bolívar, who specializes in Expansion, Militaristic play with multiple buffs geared towards maintaining war support and rewarding successful conflicts.
The new Civs are Bulgaria and Nepal, which both come with their own unique ability, civilian unit, and military unit. You learn more about them by visiting the full patch notes on the game's official website.
Although the update is available now for Sid Meier's Civilization 7 on PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and Xbox One, it will come to Nintendo Switch at a later date.