Google doesn’t want you to have to think about cybersecurity – CNET

In the same way most people don't think about breathing and blinking, either.

Voice of concern: Smart assistants are creating new openings for hackers – CNET

Let's talk about the security of smart speakers.

Trump did not ‘inherit a cyber crisis,’ Obama’s cybersecurity czar says – CNET

He takes issue with Mike Pence's charge, and sees no drastic changes by the current White…

FBI nabs alleged hackers in theft of 15M credit cards from Chipotle, others – CNET

The bureau says the three Ukrainian nationals are behind breaches that hit Arby's, Chili's and other…

Apple’s iPhone X sales continue to impress (The 3:59, Ep. 435) – CNET

We delve into Apple's quarterly results, Facebook's effort to fight influence campaigns, and a move to…

Facebook shuts down another misinformation campaign using the same playbook as Russian trolls video – CNET

From The 3:59 show: It's happened again -- Facebook removed 32 accounts focused on spreading political…

Vice President Pence blames US cybersecurity issues on Obama – CNET

Pence says the Trump administration "inherited a cyber crisis."

Homeland Security creates anti-hacking center to protect industries – CNET

The center will seek to protect banks, hospitals and energy companies from the next massive cyberattack.