Quick tip: Here’s an easy way to clean your slow cooker – CNET

No scrubbing!

13 Instant Pot tips, recipes and features everyone should know – CNET

Here's proof we spend way too much time with the Instant Pot.

Instant Pot recipes everyone should know: Hard-boiled eggs, rotisserie chicken and more – CNET

What was life like before Instant Pot? Slow.

How to bake and proof bread with an Instant Pot – CNET

Insta-bread, coming right up.

How to convert slow cooker recipes into Instant Pot recipes – CNET

Move over slow cooker. Instant Pot is stealing your gig.

How to send money to friends with Google Assistant – CNET

You can send money -- or get money -- using just your voice.

15 ways to keep your food fresher – CNET

Combat food waste without wasting time.

Safety tips every Instant Pot owner should know – CNET

You don't want to get burned or have your cooker explode, so read this.