Why Ziploc bags are perfectly safe for sous vide cooking – CNET

No need to splurge on a vacuum sealer -- cheaper Ziploc bags and water work just…

Instagram has a new feature that will remind you of Pinterest – CNET

Instagram just became a little like Pinterest with its new collections feature. Here's how to use…

Here’s what all the settings on your oven mean – CNET

An easy primer for the baking novice.

Super-handy household uses for coconut oil – CNET

Coconut oil is really popular right now for its beauty benefits, but you can also use…

Dysfunctional air ducts: Money wasters and safety hazards – CNET

Your air ducts could be wasting money, as well as endangering your family. Here's what you…

Tips to save water (and money!) around the house in 2018 – CNET

Make 2018 better for the Earth and your bank account.

How to recycle old appliances (with little to no effort) – CNET

Don't let those old clunkers go to waste. There are a bunch of ways to give…

Only you can prevent toaster fires — here’s how – CNET

It may be time to give that brave little toaster a funeral.