4 things that will last in your pantry indefinitely – CNET

​In your kitchen, there are four foods that can last years without going bad -- if…

10 things to know about the new Pokemon game – CNET

Surprise! Nintendo dropped a new mobile game, but Duel is nothing like Pokemon Go.

30 spring cleaning tricks you’ll wish you’d known all along – CNET

Want to clean your house without working too hard? We've got you! Here are 30 cleaning…

Miss the Obamas? Follow them on social media – CNET

The Obamas may have left the White House, but you can still follow them. Here's how.

Pantry purge: 10 things you need to toss today – CNET

While pantry staples are staples because they last a long time, their storage life isn't infinite.…

Is that Facebook post edited? Here’s how to tell – CNET

You have to do a little sleuthing, but you can still tell if a Facebook post…

Where to buy the Nintendo Switch – CNET

Here's what you need to know about getting your hands on Nintendo's transforming handheld game console.

Pan cleaning myths and what actually works – CNET

Want your pots and pans to look like new? Here are the tips to skip and…