Police dashcam catches literal game of cat and mouse – CNET

A cop captures two furry suspects on camera as a dangerous game of life and death…

This lab-grown chicken and duck meat looks surprisingly delicious – CNET

This piece of fried chicken is not what it seems. Memphis Meats moves beyond beef meatballs…

David Bowie stamps launched into space to fall to Earth – CNET

A special set of UK stamps leaves Earth's surface for a ride into space in remembrance…

Wait … spiders pig out on how much each year?! – CNET

You don't know the true meaning of all-you-can-eat unless you're a hungry spider. A new study…

Lego-compatible tape sticks your bricks to almost anything – CNET

Break free from the restraints of gravity with flexible Lego-compatible tape that can stick to walls,…

Pi Day through time: From Einstein to Linux to Tom Waits – CNET

March 14 isn't just Pi Day. It also has a surprising history of famous births, a…

This NASA hot-fire engine test video will blow you away – CNET

Hold onto your hat while you immerse yourself in a spectacular 360-degree view of a powerful…

Fear Alexa with this macabre talking skull voice assistant – CNET

A robotic skull named Yorick pairs up with Amazon's Alexa assistant to create a whole new…