Airport seeks lost teddy bear’s owner over Facebook – CNET

A teddy bear got left behind, but it ended up on an adventure at the Cork…

Bill Nye ‘Saves the World’ in trailer for new Netflix show – CNET

The Science Guy returns with an action-packed show stocked with celebrities, lab equipment and oddball experiments.

Abandoned ‘space capsule’ causes stir along highway – CNET

Passing motorists wondered if either NASA or some alien visitors lost a space capsule near an…

Fists fly (and land) in ‘Iron Fist’ official Netflix trailer – CNET

Everyone is kung fu fighting in a new trailer for Netflix's "Iron Fist," the story of…

Sip on Showtime’s ‘Twin Peaks’ coffee compilation – CNET

A video promoting "Twin Peaks" reruns quickly becomes an ode to all things coffee from the…

Game officer herds elk out of basement with a hockey stick – CNET

A creative fish and game officer escorts a lost elk out a basement with the help…

Blazing green fireball in the sky caught on police dash cam – CNET

A bright green fireball lit up the US Midwest, generating plenty of eyewitness reports and dramatic…

Wolverine stands up to rednecks in ‘Logan’ teaser clip – CNET

Cowboy hats, insults, a property dispute and Wolverine's muscles star in a dramatic showdown scene from…