Hear the Star Wars ‘Imperial March’ played on an arc lighter – CNET

Darth Vader's theme song gets a spirited rendition from a modified arc lighter that has gone…

Quadrantids meteor shower peaks January 3 – CNET

Lucky meteor watchers may be able to catch a fireball among the meteor sparks during the…

Peter Mayhew to Star Wars fans: ‘It’s okay to grieve’ – CNET

The man who plays Chewbacca opens his arms to Star Wars fans mourning the passing of…

Watch a dried-out ‘resurrection plant’ unfurl in water – CNET

A desiccated ball of desert plant known as a Rose of Jericho revives in a dish…

My Facebook Year in Review: Equal parts joy and depression – CNET

Commentary: Thanks a lot for the memories, Facebook. Now I'm sad, nostalgic and happy all at…

Watch an iMac meet its slow-mo doom from a combustion tube – CNET

Some old computers get recycled. Some get blown to bits in a puff of fire from…

Darth Santa strikes back at the holidays with young Kylo Ren – CNET

Darth Santa's back, and this time he has a helper in his Sith-inspired war on Christmas.

See Saturn’s funky moon Pandora in striking NASA close-up – CNET

NASA's Cassini spacecraft cuddles up close to Pandora, one of Saturn's smallest and strangest moons.