A giant drone? Nope. It’s the SureFly personal helicopter – CNET

With eight propellers on four arms, this whirlybird is like a car-size drone.

This personal helicopter looks and flies like a drone – CNET

The SureFly by Workhorse has eight rotors on four arms, a range of 70 miles and…

CNET UK podcast 523: EU kills roaming charges and we FaceTime from the sky – CNET

Roaming charges in the EU are dead, Amazon is buying a greengrocers and we take to…

Sony Xperia XZ Premium (2017) review – CNET

The Xperia XZ Premium has the steak, but none of the sizzle.

Shoot like a pro with the iPhone – CNET

Here's how to get the best results from your smartphone photography.

CNET UK podcast 522: Taylor’s swift return and all of Apple’s goodies – CNET

Apple takes the wraps off loads of new kit, Taylor Swift returns to Spotify and we…

Coral blue Galaxy S8 confirmed for the UK, coming this month – CNET

The coral blue phone is exclusive to the UK's Carphone Warehouse, while arctic silver will be…

Alexa will give live general election results in the UK – CNET

Keep track of who's winning in the British general election by asking Alexa to break down…