A neural network built by an astronomer and a Google software engineer was trained to spot…
Author: Ashley Esqueda
Mickey Mouse buys Fox video – CNET
Disney announces a deal worth over $66 billion, will acquire most of 21st Century Fox's movie…
Worst hacks of the year video – CNET
From HBO to Equifax to the NSA, big hacks hit just about every industry in 2017.
YouTube reveals top videos of 2017 video – CNET
"Despacito," a singing oyster, a tween ventriloquist and more round out the most popular videos of…
‘House of Cards’ final season won’t feature Spacey video – CNET
Claire Underwood, not Frank, will be the focus of the final eight episodes of the Netflix…
Snapchat redesign splits up people and brands video – CNET
The company hopes the refresh will bring in new users, and aims to distinguish "the social…
Nissan’s ‘Star Wars’ Altima inspired by First Order TIE fighter – Roadshow
This mean machine is the product of a collaboration between Nissan, Lucasfilm, and Hollywood fabrication shop…
Nissan’s new Star Wars TIE-in turns to the dark side video – Roadshow
Last year, the company made an X-Wing out of a 2017 Rogue; this year, it's going…