Millions using 123456 as password, security study finds

A list of all-too-predictable choices for breached accounts includes 123456 and "Liverpool".

Notre-Dame fire: How gamers are getting ‘inside’ the cathedral

Players return to a 2014 video game to visit a digital version of the cathedral, untouched…

TED 2019: The start-ups launching in space

Space is getting busy thanks to a new era of commercialisation.

Hacking ‘hero’ Marcus Hutchins pleads guilty to US malware charges

Marcus Hutchins said he regrets his actions and accepts "full responsibility for my mistakes".

Robot dogs pull truck and other tech news

BBC Click's Jen Copestake looks at some of the week's best technology stories.

Robot news presenter causes a stir on Russian TV

The humanoid, named Alex, causes a stir as he makes his debut on state news channel…

Elon Musk swaps shots with Museum of English Rural Life

The Museum of English Rural Life now appears as Elon Musk on Twitter after he used…

Facebook bans UK far right groups and leaders

A dozen named groups and individuals will be purged from the social network, it said.