Need some last-minute poinsettias? Amazon’s got you covered – CNET

With Christmas just days away, Amazon looks to extend holiday shopping with the help of Prime…

Amazon Prime Air’s delivery by drone just became a reality – CNET

Amazon's delivery drones program fulfills its first order -- an Amazon Fire TV and a bag…

Will Apple blow you away in 2017? (The 3:59, Ep. 153) – CNET

We look at what's in store for Apple next year, iris-scanning technology and Google's autonomous car…

Amazon won’t shake up your neighborhood store anytime soon – CNET

This year has been full of rumors that Amazon wants to open lots of new stores.…

Nintendo legend Miyamoto: Mario needs to evolve to survive – CNET

The game developer discusses the new Super Mario Run and the future of the Mario franchise…

Amazon: No, we’re not opening 2,000 stores – CNET

The online retailer responds to heated rumors that it may open hundreds or thousands of new…

Google’s pizza-pie-in-the-sky drones (The 3:59, Ep. 150) – CNET

The online giant wants to jump-start personal drone deliveries; Pokemon Go tries to make a comeback;…

Trump to hold summit with tech leaders next week – CNET

The president-elect's team reportedly sends out invites to a December 14 roundtable.