What goes into a brake job? – Roadshow

Here's why you may have paid more for your last brake job than the price promised…

Why brake jobs cost so much video – Roadshow

Brake jobs can quickly escalate to major money. Here's why.

Top 5 ways cars have gotten more dangerous – Roadshow

Yes, modern cars are safer, but not in every way.

Top 5 ways cars have gotten more dangerous video – Roadshow

They're safer overall, but not in every way.

Best gifts for dads and grads live ​show ​on June 11 video – CNET

CNET's Brian Cooley​, Lexy Savvides and Rick Broida will give you the lowdown on great gift…

Dashcams: They aren’t just for Russians any more. video – Roadshow

Crashes, break-ins and crazy passengers, all captured in beautiful HD!

Make your car’s satellite radio sound better – Roadshow

You aren't mistaken, that sound you hear is your ears frying.

How to make satellite radio sound good. Well, less bad. video – Roadshow

Satellite radio has never been the best for sound, here's what you can do about it.