Photoshop adds MacBook Pro Touch Bar support

 Of all the third-party partners announced on-stage at Apple’s big MacBook Pro unveil back in October,…

HMD’s first new Nokia handset is a $26 feature phone

 Just last week, HMD was priming the press for the return of Nokia branded handsets, slated…

A multi-material 3D printer that can create embedded circuit boards

 Next Dynamics couldn’t find a print head to their liking, so they went ahead and built…

AirPods are now up for sale on Apple’s site, will start arriving just before Christmas

 Apple knew it was going to taking something big to help cushion the blow of its…

Qualcomm’s Tricorder XPRIZE is down to two finalists

 A bit of a mutual admiration society has developed between the two finalists in Qualcomm’s $10…

Bose gets into the hearing aid headphone business

 When you’ve got a punny name as good as “Hearphones” (no Google, I did not mean…

Adidas puts a limited number of its 3D printed running shoes up for sale

 Five or so months after showing off its 3D printing running shoes, Adidas is finally ready…

Microsoft had the best month for consumer Surface sales, partially credits MacBook ‘disappointment’

 According to Microsoft, November marked the company’s best month for consumer Surface sales by volume (a…