The Galaxy Note 7 is getting a 30-percent charging limit in the UK, not a full bricking (yet)

 On Friday, Samsung loudly confirmed its plans to push a software update that would kill US-based…

Verizon won’t push Samsung’s Note 7 bricking update

 Early this morning Samsung announced plans to finally extinguish the on-going fire that is the Note…

Super Mario Run needs a constant internet connection to run

 It a bit of news that will surely shift the value proposition of Mario’s long-awaited iPhone…

Samsung’s latest software update stops the Note 7 from charging altogether

 As the prolonged garbage fire that is 2016 draws to a close, Samsung seems to finally…

Apple Maps adds EV charging station data from ChargePoint

 Just in time for that cross country holiday trip, Apple’s bringing so key electric vehicle charging…

Johnson & Johnson and HAX team to foster health device hardware development

 Johnson & Johnson, of BAND-AID and Tylenol (and about half the inventory at your local drugstore)…

Bluetooth 5 will bring higher speeds, better range and a focus on IoT

 The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) gave the green light to Bluetooth 5 this week, a…

The Surgeon General calls youth e-cigarette smoking ‘unsafe’

 A statement issued by the Surgeon General of the United States on youth e-cigarette use this…