Today's major tech headlines include Toyota giving Uber $500 million to build a fleet of self-driving…
Author: Bridget Carey
Aibo, fetch! We play with Sony’s $2,899 robopup video – CNET
Sony's Aibo makes its big return to the US, going on sale in September. Packed with…
Nintendo’s new Labo Vehicle Kit was more fun than I expected – CNET
Especially the punching-cars part.
Nintendo’s Vehicle Kit is not like other Labo kits video – CNET
We take Nintendo's Toy-Con 3 Vehicle Kit for a spin with the Switch, and it's more…
Galaxy Note 9 lands at awkward time, NASA soars to the sun video – CNET
Among this week's most popular news stories are Samsung's launch of the Note 9 and Galaxy…
Holograms in your face: Is Magic Leap our future? – CNET
The hype around augmented reality knows no bounds. Let's get real about AR.
Getting real about AR: Magic Leap and the hologram era video – CNET
The future of computing is not on a screen -- it's in augmented- and mixed-reality holograms.…
Trump slams ‘shadow banning’ on Twitter: What even is that? video – CNET
What is shadow banning, and why is President Trump attacking Twitter for 'shadow banning' republicans? Bridget…