Bill O’Reilly offers apocalyptic warning about social media – CNET

Commentary: The former Fox News icon says America is getting "meaner" and people can't be trusted.

John Oliver can’t decide if cryptocurrency is a good thing – CNET

Commentary: The host of HBO show "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" says this is where…

Once you see this twisted phone ad, you may never be the same again – CNET

Commentary: An ad for the AGM X2 phone in China shows a dead man's brain being…

HAL-exa. Here’s a replica of HAL 9000 with Alexa inside – CNET

Commentary: Is this a portent of the true future? Welcome to a replica that has real…

Sasquatch finally found (on ‘SNL’) – CNET

Commentary: When the long-awaited meeting of Bigfoot and human occurs, it doesn't go well.

Donald Trump’s tweets show he’s a modern man, Putin says – CNET

Commentary: Interviewed by NBC's Megyn Kelly, the Russian president says he, on the other hand, isn't…

The Rock is the most popular actor on social media – CNET

Commentary: It's not enough these days to have millions of followers. The Hollywood Reporter's social media…

Amazon said to fire delivery man for allegedly dropping box on puppy – CNET

Commentary: Surveillance video appears to show the delivery man acting gratuitously. The dog's owners immediately contact…